English (United Kingdom)
Change of tools

ŠMT offers automatic and robotic change of tools into spindle of machine or spindle of various milling heads.

Automatic tool changers

Max. tool weight (kg) 25  50 
Number of tools 40/60/90/120/160 40/60/90/120/160 
Max. tool diamteter (mm) 300 420
Max. tool lenght (mm) 500 500




Robotic tool changers

RTC allows exchange of tools to machine spindle or to spindle of various milling heads indexed under any angle. This saves the additional changing time required for positioning of the head to the loading position. Actual number of tools is practically unlimited thanks to using of storage tool area for hundreds of different tools. RTC also allows other additional functions such as fast automatic tool break monitoring system or others.

Robotic tool changer    
Max. tool weight (kg) 25 50
Number of tools unlimited unlimited

RTC stationary

Static tool magazine and robot on fundament

Stacionární RTC.

RTC independent

Static tool magazine on fundament and independent moveable robot

Nezávislá RTC

RTC moving

Tool magazine and robot moveable with machine

Posuvná RTC